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Benefits of


The benefit of membership

included the following:


  • A newsletter with information and articles to help with the management of your birds. It will also contain the minutes of the previous meeting, a Treasurer's report, a show report and any other items contributed by members.

  • Traceable bands: Traceable bands are required at some shows as a means of identifying the owner/breeder and the age of the bird being shown Only members are allowed to purchase these traceable bands.

  • A network of fellow hobbyist in the club and on the web to help in breeding quality birds and answering your questions.

  • A social media platform to connect with fellow people of a liked interest.

  • Access to a Members Only Page that contains an archive past newsletters and recordings of educational presentations from online meetings.

  • Annual show where members are encourage to show off their birds and to compete against other breeders.

  • Bi-Monthly meetings.


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Membership term is from

January 1st to December 31st

of the current year.

Membership dues are only $40.00 a year.

Bands are sold in sets of 25.

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Join Now 

Complete our application form and mail.

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